Yali Capkini Episode 35

You are on this page to watch online Turkish series Yali Capkini Episode 35 in English which is available for free in good quality HD 720 in English translated by FilmeFast and others.
In the center of the plot is a young guy named Ferit. He was born into a wealthy family and his father was a wealthy man from Gaziantep.
Ferit got used to the fact that in this life he always got everything easily and simply without any problems. At the same time, he did not need to do anything in order to get what he wanted.

As a result, he grew up as a spoiled young man who is used to burning his life and spends almost all his time on various parties and recreation.
He likes to be in dubious companies and Ferit was absolutely not going to change anything in his life. Ferit’s father does not like the way of life that the heir leads.
Khalis Aga understands that if this continues, everything can turn into a disgrace.

Then Halis Aga decides that it is time for Ferit to get married. He even chose a suitable wife for his son, who was from a simple family, but at the same time very smart.
The man hopes that in marriage his son will improve and take the right path.
Ferit, in his opinion, will finally come to his senses and even be able to get some kind of job and understand what it means to earn money with his own labor.
A girl named Seyran was chosen as Ferita’s wife. She is very beautiful, smart, educated and a doctor by profession.

The locals love and respect Dr. Seyran very much for her kindness, responsiveness, incredible medical abilities and professionalism.
It is for this reason that Khalis Agha chose this girl as a wife for his careless son. After all, only such a girl can make a responsible person out of Ferit.
Khalis Aga is not going to postpone this matter and intends to marry Seyran for his son as soon as possible. But what will eventually come out of such an adventure?

Watch Yali Capkini Episode 35 with English Subtitles Online for Free

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